All things tea related, with an emphasis on thie history and health benefits of tea.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My Other Favorite Mug

My Favorite Mug
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tea Tour of Austin
We went to the Tea Embassy, which is more about loose tea and merchandise than prepared tea or a food menu (although they have special tastings one weekend each month -- we just went on the wrong weekend) . It's housed in a historic building on Rio Grande steet. They have several teas available for free sampling. When we went, there was a peach flavored red rooibos, which was amazing. They also were offering samples of Thai tea. I bought a very nice chocolate mint rooibos from the very knowledgable Jake (pictured below).
From there, we went to the Steeping Room, which was very up-scale and offered a full restaurant menu. Note that in the picture, it is right next door to a Starbucks, which I find a bit ironic. They had a whole wall of loose teas. I liked the way each had an open sample cup so that you could look at the quality of the leaves and smell the blend. I bought what turned out to be a very light strawberry green tea, which had large chunks of dried strawberries mixed with the leaves. The guy at the counter mentioned that that was one of the day's featured iced teas, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $2.50 for one iced cup of the brew when I'd just bought 2 oz. dry.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Water's The Thing

E-how has a video where they say to use spring, bottled or filtered water -- but not distilled water, because it tastes flat. Several other sites claim that you can make distilled-water tea palatable by adding minerals or brewing it in certain kinds of stone teapots.
The other thing intersting thing about using filtered water for tea: bottled/filtered water often lacks the flouride cities add to tap water. Tea leaves, on the other hand contain more flouride than most other plants. So, if you drink a goodly amount of your filtered water as tea, it may just all balance out.
image courtesy of Stock Xchng
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tea for One

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Infuse My Life
"For I have known them all already, known them all:
--Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;"
He's talking about a jaded, worn out man whose life is focused on the mundane tasks of just getting through a day. Those coffee spoons are what give him the artificial energy to keep going. Coffee, as it is consumed during early morning commutes, costing as much per cup as an hour of some people's workday, is a perfect symbol for the modern age.
Tea, however, is connected with looking to the past, where times were simpler, and people had time to reflect on life and renew themselves. I've let tea infuse my life. Which is not to say I don't enjoy the occasional cup of coffee, as a social activity. But when I'm alone, I choose tea. Through the course of this blog, I hope to share why.